Toshkent, Olmazor tumani, Shifokorlar ko'chasi, 22/1-uy
Zarifboy Ibodullayev

Ibodullayev Zarifboy Radjabovich

Doctor of medical sciences, professor

Zarifboy Ibodullayev - professor of the Department of "Nervous Diseases, Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy" of the Tashkent Medical Academy, doctor of medical sciences. He was born on January 19, 1965 in Hazorasp district of Khorezm region in the family of a teacher. Z. Ibodullayev graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1988 in the field of "Treatment" and was left as a young staff member at the Department of "Nervous Diseases" on the recommendation of Academician Nabi Majidov. In 1989, Ibodullayev was appointed the director of the educational laboratory of the "Nervous diseases" department of Toshken State Medical Institute. In 1991, he was hired as an assistant at the "Nervous diseases" department of the 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institute. In 1994, Prof. Asadullayev M.M. 14.00.13 under the scientific guidance of the candidate's thesis on the topic "Clinical-neurophysiological features of pre-stroke cerebrovascular diseases in diabetes" in the specialty of nervous diseases. In 1995, Ibodullayev was transferred to the position of associate professor of the Department of "Nervous Diseases" of Toshken State Medical Institute. In 1997, rector Karimov H.Yo. "Medical psychology" course is organized on the initiative of prof. Asadullayev M.M. according to the recommendation of docent Ibodullayev Z.R. is appointed as the manager. Ibodullayev puts forward the need to review the topics of medical psychology, which until 1997 were almost similar to the topics of psychiatry. This proposal was accepted by the management of the institute, in particular, the rector Karimov H.Yo. approved by Z. Ibodullayev adjusts the teaching of "Medical Psychology" in Uzbekistan to the educational programs of European countries. When creating the science program, the main emphasis is placed on "Psychosomatic medicine". He was the first in the republic to start teaching "Freud's theory and psychoanalysis" in medicine. Since 2000, the "Medical psychology" course has been operating in the newly opened "Nervous diseases, medical psychology and medical genetics" department. In 2005, Z. Ibodullayev 14.00.13 - defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Interhemispheric functional asymmetry and neuropsychological syndromes in cerebral strokes, ways of their correction" in the specialty of nervous diseases. This scientific work was the first doctoral dissertation on neuropsychology in Uzbekistan. 2 major concepts put forward by Z. Ibodullayev in 2002, i.e. the stroke model in ambidextrous and the concept of psychological protection of the brain, were developed by foreign scientists, especially I.M. Tonkonogiy (USA), H. Schonle (Germany), E.D. It is of great interest in Khomskaya (Russia). I.M., who has been living in the USA since 1979. Tonkonogiy invites Z. Ibodullayev to the scientific center where he works and offers to conduct scientific work on the study of ambidexterity together. However, his teacher E.D. Khomskaya advises "Do not agree to this proposal and continue the work in Tashkent." In 2005, the 1st and 2nd Tashkent State Medical Institutes were merged to form the Tashkent Medical Academy (TTA). In the same year, rector, academic Sh.I. According to Karimov's recommendation, Z. Ibodullayev is appointed as the head of the Academy's Scientific Department. The scientist proposes to open master's degree and clinical residency courses in the specialty "Medical psychology" in major medical institutions of Uzbekistan. Rector Sh.I. Karimov fully supports this proposal and recommends to thoroughly study the experience of foreign countries, first to prepare a textbook, and then to develop a State Education Standard (DTS) suitable for Uzbekistan. In 2008, the textbook "Medical Psychology" was published by Z. Ibodullayev. In 2009, the textbook published for the first time in Uzbekistan on this subject won the "Best Textbook of the Year" award. From 2008 to 2010, Z. Ibodullayev developed the DTS for the master's course in "Medical Psychology". The DTS, which has been repeatedly examined by experts of the Ministry of Higher Education, is approved, and a science program is prepared based on it. In 2011/2012, the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and the Tashkent Medical Academy will open master's degrees and clinical internships in the specialty "Medical Psychology". Z. Ibodullayev is appointed as the director of the master's program in "Medical psychology". The long-awaited "Medical Psychologist" for the Republic will begin to prepare personnel. The 2nd edition of the textbook "Medical Psychology" prepared by Ibodullayev in 2008 will be published in 2012, the 3rd edition in 2019. The scientist, who started his career in the field of neurology and later neuropsychology, also publishes textbooks and training manuals on nervous diseases. In 2013 and 2014, the textbook "Nervous diseases" will be published in Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. This textbook will also be awarded the "Best Textbook of the Year" award.

Professor Zarifboy Ibodullayev is the author of more than 160 scientific works. Dissertations in the fields of neurology, neuropsychology and medical psychology were prepared and are being prepared under his scientific guidance. Z. Ibodullayev's textbook "Nervous diseases" (2013, 2014, 2021), "General neurology" textbook (2021), "Medical psychology" textbook (2008, 2012, 2019), "Stroke and coma" for neuropathologists (2014), Large handbooks "Epilepsy" (2018), "Neurology" (2017) have been published. Since 2013, the work entitled "Nerves and Spirit" intended for the general public has been published 4 times, and the 5th edition is about to be published these days. In 2022, the book "Nerve and Spirit" (Nerve and Spirit) was published in Turkish in Turkey.

List of scientific works published by Z. Ibodullayev in recent years:

Ibodullayev. Stroke and coma. Manual for doctors. T.: 2014. – 196 p;
Ibodullayev. Epilepsy. Manual for doctors. T.: 2018. – 174 p;
Ibodullayev. Medical psychology. Textbook, 3rd edition. Tashkent. 2019. 494 p.
Ibodullayev. Nerve and psyche. Scientific-popular treatise. 4th edition. 2019. 312 p.
Ibodullayev. Nervous diseases. Textbook, 2nd edition. Tashkent. 2021. - 960 p.
Ibodullayev. General neurology. Textbook, Tashkent. 2021. - 312 p.
Ibodullayev. Nerve and psyche. Scientific-popular treatise. Turkey, Ankara., 2022. 316 p.

Years of experience
Scientific works
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