Toshkent, Olmazor tumani, Shifokorlar ko'chasi, 22/1-uy
Beware of the “Plague of the Century”!

Depression leads to an increase in cardiovascular diseases.
The risk of stroke rises, and recovery after a stroke becomes more difficult.
In masked depression, stomach, intestinal, joint, and heart diseases worsen.
Sleep disorders occur, resulting in decreased work productivity.

Due to the widespread nature of this issue, depression is called the "Plague of the Century."

According to statistics, due to the low productivity of workers with depression, world economies lose $1–2 trillion annually.

A person suffering from depression is not only in a low mood but also experiences mental sluggishness.

They are unable to:

  • engage in intellectual work,
  • manage and lead,
  • teach,
  • conduct scientific research,
  • create innovations, and more.
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