Toshkent, Olmazor tumani, Shifokorlar ko'chasi, 22/1-uy
Avoid Overusing Painkillers
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Recently, the habit of taking painkillers without a doctor's recommendation
Beware of the “Plague of the Century”!
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Depression leads to an increase in cardiovascular diseases.The risk of
Even the strongest antibiotics had no effect.
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Before my trip, my wife caught a cold. We gave
Does air pollution increase stress?
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Usually, when we get angry or face a bad situation,
Fresh air has a wonderful effect on the human brain and psyche.
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The Daryo publication has prepared a good article about the
The mother’s heart is in the child, the child’s heart is in the field
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I would like to dwell on one aspect that is
The healthiest meat
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Fish meat: high in phosphorus. Unlike other animal meats, fish
Cooperation with France in the field of healthcare.
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France is considered one of the leading countries in the
Is eyelid twitching a disease?
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Many patients come to us complaining about eyelid twitching. Some
The brains of thieves and murderers are being studied
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In the special cells in the inner part of the
Is it difficult to treat Guillain-Barré syndrome?
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A 37-year-old patient from Chirchik came to my office complaining
We successfully treated 52 patients using psychomotor therapy!
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For a long time, I have been mentioning that we
In paroxysmal positional vertigo, exercises, not drugs, help
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Paroxysmal positional vertigo is the migration of otolith stones located
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Психодинамическая терапия при осложнениях стрессапсиходинамическая коррекция характерапсиходинамическая терапия в семейных
Medical psychology and psychotherapy
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psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy of depressionpsychodiagnosis and psychotherapy of psychastheniapsychodiagnosis and
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